Monday, 31 October 2016

Residential Garage Concrete Floor Makeover Video

One-Day Installation; Next-day Return to Service

This YouTube video shows the installation process of LATICRETE SPARTACOTE® Blended Chip with SPARTACOTE FLEX PURE™ in a residential garage - the results look amazing! SPARTACOTE FLEX PURE is an ultra high solids sealer/finish concrete coating for protective flooring applications. This low VOC product emits minimal application odour, making it ideal for indoor applications. Available in clear gloss and pigmented, the material is applied in single or multiple coats by broom, roller or squeegee. SPARTACOTE FLEX PURE is an optimal coating solution for institutional facilities, hospitals, schools, government and any other project requiring a highly durable, low VOC, near odourless coating with rapid return to service capabilities.

Features and Benefits

  • Green-friendly, low VOC
  • LEED eligible material
  • One-day installation with next-day return to service
  • Excellent impact and wear resistance
  • Good chemical & stain resistance
  • SPARTACOTE Grip™ micro-media agents can be introduced for added traction
  • No hot-tyre pickup
  • Low Temp CURE (35º Min)
Click here for more information.

For more information regarding specific systems or to discuss your next project, please contact us today, call 1800 331 012 or email us here.

Friday, 28 October 2016

Join us at Amber Seaforth

Book the date in: 10/11/16 

Want to learn about industry first products that save you time and money? Join LATICRETE for a Trade Event and Brekky at Amber Tiles Seaforth on Thursday, 10th November 2016 at 7am.

This educational demo will focus on:
This is a great opportunity to chat with your local Technical Sales Rep, Craig Hunter, and find out how LATICRETE Systems and Warranties can turn your project into another globally proven tile and stone installation!

Where: Amber Seaforth
Address: 42 Frenchs Forest Rd, Seaforth NSW 2092


Andrea: (02) 9949 6600 or
Craig: 0418 761 428

Chat to Craig on the day and find out how to get a 15% LATICRETE Rebate*

*Conditions Apply

Thursday, 27 October 2016

Construction, Repair and Protection of Concrete Surfaces

The Solutions for Concrete

LATICRETE has provided the technology, materials and methods for innovative and permanent installations for 60 years. Architecturally specified and preferred by professional installers, LATICRETE provides solutions for virtually every application.

LATICRETE® L&M™ Construction Chemicals brochure provides a guide on products and systems that are engineered for  the construction, repair and protection of new and existing concrete surfaces. The systems provided are designed for applications on concrete surfaces ranging from industrial warehouses and distribution centres, to residential garages or patios. These innovative products and systems improve the long-term durability, performance and appearance of concrete surfaces.

Click here to view/download the LATICRETE L&M™ Guide to Construction Chemicals Brochure.

Contact us to discuss your next flooring project or to arrange a mock-up by calling 1800 331 012 or email us here.

Wednesday, 26 October 2016


Photo Supplied by Sareen Stone

Keep your Tile and Stone Beautiful 

Sareen Stone, your local LATICRETE® and STONETECH® stockist, explains why you should seal and protect your stone surfaces:
"Stone is naturally porous; basically meaning it’s like a sponge. Any liquid that comes in contact with unsealed stone will not only touch the face of the stone, it will be absorbed into the stone. Sealing your stone at regular intervals is a small financial investment, for huge peace of mind when it comes to the resale value of your home".
STONETECH BulletProof® Sealer delivers maximum protection against the toughest stains on natural stone. BulletProof Sealer is formulated with advanced, water-based fluoro-chemical technology which provides the ultimate sheild against both oil and water-based stains.
  • Advanced penetrating micro-bond protection using Teflon technology
  • Natural looking - does not alter the look of stone or tile
  • Makes cleaning stone easier
  • Maximum protection against oil and water-based stains
  • Last for up to 5 years
  • Interior and exterior applications
  • Best suited to the most porous stone surfaces
  • Water-based, low VOC, low odour, environmentally friendly
STONETECH BulletProof Sealer is suitable for natural stone surfaces such as granite, limestone, travertine, sandstone, basalt/bluestone, as well as concrete and masonry. Click here for more information. 

Sareen Stone for more information on the STONETECH range, or contact us here.

Tuesday, 25 October 2016

Commercial Pool in WA

What a Project

Steve Rennie from Exquisite Tiling & Stone shared with us their completed 20m x 10.5m commercial pool project with Aquatic Developments Australia. The pool is located at State Swim Swimming School in Butler WA and is approximately 290 m2, completed within a 3 week time frame, from inception to completion. The team at Exquisite Tiling used a range of LATICRETE materials purchased from Tilers Express WA
  • 226 Thick Bed Mortar -  a factory prepared blend of carefully selected raw materials, Portland cement and graded aggregates. 226 Thick Bed Mortar was designed for use with 3701 Mortar Admix to produce a latex Portland cement mortar that has exceptional strength. 
  • 3701 Mortar Admix - a specially designed latex admixture for use with thin-set adhesives, cement grouts, cement mortar beds and other cement mixes.
  • 345 Platinum - the ultimate one-step, polymer fortified, thin-set adhesive. For interior and exterior installation of ceramic and stone tile, reduced thickness porcelain, quarry tile, pavers and thin brick. 345 Platinum provides long open time with unsurpassed adhesion and workability.
  • PERMACOLOR® Grout - offers the maximum performance available in a cement-based grout, providing consistent colour and antimicrobial protection to resist stain-causing mould and mildew. PERMACOLOR Grout is easy to install – just mix with water. 
  • LATISIL - a high performance, one component, neutral cure, 100% silicone sealant designed for ceramic tile & stone applications.
  • 9118 Primer - a one component primer designed to increase adhesion of LATASIL to various substrates.
We hope to share the images of the pool filled - so keep your eyes open for more on this project by Exquisite Tiling & Stone.

Contact us to discuss your next project, arrange a demo or your FREE samples by calling 1800 331 012 or contact us here

Monday, 24 October 2016


First broadcast of SPARTACOTE Blended Quartz in Blue Moon colour
Second broadcast
First topcoat
Completed Braman BMW garage floor

Braman BMW in Miami Florida is a high volume exotic car dealer. When their second floor parking garage (where they wash all the cars prior to being sold) had issues leaking into their bottom floor they knew they needed to do something fast!

Nucrete Surgeons of Florida, came to their rescue. They removed the existing epoxy floor, waterproofed, and put a durable LATICRETE SPARTACOTE® Blended Quartz™ concrete coating on top of it. The highly durable, coloured quartz aggregates are layered between SPARTACOTE FLEX™ coatings to create an attractive textured floor perfect for this high-end dealership. The prep took some time, about 7 days to get it removed and waterproofed, but SPARTACOTE was installed in just 1 day!

The General Manager said this car wash area generates $160k USD per day - so LATICRETE products turned what would have been a 4 day epoxy quartz installation plus 2 day cure into just a 1 day SPARTACOTE Blended Quartz installation with next day return to service. This saved approximately $800k in down time!

Contact us to discuss your next flooring project or to arrange a mock-up by calling 1800 331 012 or email us here.

Friday, 21 October 2016

Waterproof Training in Hobart

Knowledge Is The Key To Success!

Erin Fraser, LATICRETE VIC Technical Sales Rep, and Fred Gray, LATICRETE Australia Technical Service Manager, provided a waterproofing seminar in Tasmania. Time was spent in the classroom learning as well as hands-on training and demonstrations using HYDRO BAN®. 

The seminar is designed for the waterproofing industry, installation contractors, distributors, dealers and other industry professionals who want to improve their knowledge profitability and increase their productivity as they become familiar with HYDRO BAN® Waterproofing & Crack Suppression Membrane.

HYDRO BAN is a thin, load bearing waterproofing/crack isolation membrane that DOES NOT require the use of fabric in the field, coves or corners. HYDRO BAN is a single component, self curing liquid rubber polymer that forms a flexible, seamless waterproofing membrane. HYDRO BAN bonds directly to a wide variety of substrates. Click here for more information and view an installation video.

Interested in attending a LATICRETE waterproofing seminar? Contact us on 1800 331 012 or email us here.

Thursday, 20 October 2016

Progress on Harbour Drive Streetscape

Streetscape Taking Shape

We recently blogged on the Harbour Drive Streetscape Upgrade in Coffs Harbour, NSW. The project is moving forward and progressing well. We are excited to share the above pics with you. 

LATICRETE materials used are:
  • 226 Thick Bed Mortar is a factory prepared blend of carefully selected raw materials, Portland cement and graded aggregates. 226 Thick Bed Mortar was designed for use with 3701 Mortar Admix to produce a latex Portland cement mortar that has exceptional strength. 
  • 3701 Mortar Admix - Used in place of water, improves the working and physical properties of any cement mix and provides an economical and easy way to make permanent, trouble-free installations of ceramic tile, brick and natural stone.
  • 335 Premium Flexible Adhesive is a high performance thin-bed adhesive for installing a wide range of tiles and stone including low absorption ceramic tile, porcelain tile, natural and manufactured stone using thin-set method of installation. Exceeds the requirements of AS4992.1 and AS4992.2 classification C2TES1.
  • PERMACOLOR® Grout offers the maximum performance available in a cement-based grout, providing consistent colour and antimicrobial protection to resist stain-causing mould and mildew. PERMACOLOR Grout is easy to install – just mix with water. 

Click here to view/download the Tile, Brick & Stone Streetscape Brochure.

Projects utilising LATICRETE materials and methods qualify for a comprehensive LATICRETE System Warranty  

Contact us to discuss your next project, or to arrange free samples. Call 1800 331 012 or email us here.

Wednesday, 19 October 2016

Tilers Trade Centre Stocks LATICRETE!

The team at Tilers Trade Centre are excited to display their LATICRETE signage. Tilers Trade Centre stock a range of LATICRETE products like MULTIFLEX Adhesive.

MULTIFLEX Adhesive is an economical, flexible, rubber, polymer fortified cementitious thin-set powder for installing ceramic tile and natural stone to floors and walls. MULTIFLEX Adhesive offers long open time and can be used for interior and exterior applications.

Key Features:
  • Non-sag
  • Thermal shock resistant
  • For floor (light duty) and wall applications
  • Very good impact resistance
  • Meets and exceeds the requirements of a C1TES1 classification in accordance to AS4992.1&2
Drop in and visit the friendly team at Tilers Trade Centre:
Address:13/15 Fishermans Rd, Kuluin QLD 4558
Tel: (07) 5443 9191

Contact LATICRETE on 1800 331 012 for technical support, arrange a demo, FREE samples, discuss your next project or contact us here.

Tuesday, 18 October 2016

Residential Project in Teneriffe

LATICRETE - Globally Proven Installations

A river view home in Teneriffe, QLD, is currently being renovated by Darren James Interiors and Sam Gardener from Sam Gardener Tiling. A range of LATICRETE products have been selected as the preferred installation materials. 
  • HYDRO BAN® is a thin, load bearing waterproofing/crack isolation membrane that DOES NOT require the use of fabric in the field, coves or corners. HYDRO BAN is a single component, self curing liquid rubber polymer that forms a flexible, seamless waterproofing membrane. 
  • 335 Premium Flexible Adhesive is a high performance thin-bed adhesive for installing a wide range of tiles and stone including low absorption ceramic tile, porcelain tile, natural and manufactured stone using thin-set method of installation.
  • 345 Platinum is the ultimate one-step, polymer fortified, thin-set adhesive. For interior and exterior installation of ceramic and stone tile, reduced thickness porcelain, quarry tile, pavers and thin brick. 345 Platinum provides long open time with unsurpassed adhesion and workability. 
Are you getting ready to start a project? Contact us for technical support or to arrange free samples. Call 1800 331 012 or email us here.

Monday, 17 October 2016


Floor Upgrade to Toyota Distribution Centre

After years of use, areas of the existing concrete floor coating at the Toyota® Parts Distribution Centre in Vancouver, B.C, had worn through and was in need of restoration. Toyota had a long-time concrete floor repair partner, Roselli Construction, to evaluate the floor and make a recommendation. There was a big challenge in this project, as they would only have the weekend to do the concrete floor work.

At that time Roselli discovered LATICRETE SPARTACOTE® concrete coating systems. They installed a mock-up area around a loading bay and coated industrial traffic lines, and Toyota ran industrial traffic over it (Forklifts, pallet jacks etc) to test the floor for months. After Toyota was satisfied with the coatings test area, they gave the Roselli team the go-ahead to do the entire industrial floor.

Roselli has completed around 2,323m2 so far, with another 5,574m2 to coat, and the crew does around 465m2 each weekend – including both the prep of the substrate and coatings. SPARTACOTE FLEX SB™ clear coating system was used over bare concrete, prepared to a CSP 2, and a special tint base was made (“Toyota green”) for the facility’s walkways and the safety lines.

Toyota had expressed they were happy with the progress on the floor and love the durability on the SPARTACOTE coating, as well as the fast turnaround time for their busy industrial environments. Read the full Project Spotlight here

Contact us to discuss your next flooring project or to arrange a mock-up by calling 1800 331 012 or email us here.

Friday, 14 October 2016

Information Trade Brekky at Amber Mona Vale

LATICRETE will be at Amber Tiles Mona Vale on Thursday 27th October for a Trade Demo. We would love you to come join the fun! 
This event is a great opportunity to grab a free cup of coffee & brekky and chat with your local LATICRETE Technical Sales Rep, Craig Hunter. Find out how LATICRETE Systems and Warranties can turn your project into another globally proven tile and stone installation!

The Trade Demo will focus on:

Details of the Trade Event:
Where: Amber Mona Vale
Date: 27th October, 2016
Time: 7am 
Address: 25 Barrenjoey Rd, Mona Vale, NSW 2103

Jade: (02) 9997 7744 or
Craig: 0418 761 428

Attend the Amber Mona Vale Trade Event and get a 15% LATICRETE Rebate* off your next LATICRETE purchase.

Speak to your LATICRETE Rep for all the details.

*Conditions Apply