Sandy with four panels she created from the Steve Irwin Mural Project (2008) |
We received this wonderfully thoughtful email from Sandy Robertson. Sandy is an inspirational and motivational professional mosaic artist who is hooked on LATICRETE!
Sandy will be creating another mosaic masterpiece at Australia Zoo on Steve Irwin Day - November 15 2011. All are welcome to watch and participate, and it would be great if you could donate a gold coin to the Zoo Animal Charities.
Hi Shea!
I love Laticrete more than chocolate and that is saying a LOT!
I am redoing our website at the moment and will send you the link when it’s complete this week. Huge overhaul so stay tuned. I am writing all about Laticrete (again!).
Thank you, I would so love to participate in the marketing stories; I have used Laticrete exclusively in my mosaic commissions, teaching and more for almost 10 years and hundreds of my students use it in their mosaics – I have them all addicted to mosaics and Laticrete.
Laticrete never lets us down, in products and professional services and people.
I will be in touch when the new site is launched this week and I hope we can link you your blogs too. I have a huge following in FB, Twitter and online forums I moderate all about mosaics.
We are off to Australia Zoo on Steve Irwin Day to do a community mural on the big day (15-11-2011) and perhaps Laticrete would like to donate the grout for the panel? (Probably only one bag!) - I am very happily donating all the materials, time and labour - but Laticete was a great champion of the Steve Irwin Mural Project a few years ago and provided materials for 10 panels. This next panel may be installed at the animal hospital (wonderful publicity too).
This is only one panel but it’s the community spirit and all about the great Croc Hunter.
Just thought you might be interested, I haven’t had time to ask Ken yet. Either way, Laticrete will be part of this project as Henry was so in awe of it too!
Must run, will email new site link soon and I have a long list of projects on the go at the moment from Church Murals next year to be installed, huge pool wall murals, tables, and also an art show at Wesley Hospital to raise money for Palliative Care Unit.
If Laticrete Australia, considered coming on board as a sponsor to some of these community events, it would touch the heart and art of many Australians and mosaic followers around the world. It’s not about money, as I said before, I am always delighted to do these projects, but it would be a good community partnership….
I love the epoxy products and have excited the mosaic world with new uses for it and I have an online mosaic school, The Mosaic Guru International being launched.
Always busy!
Kind regards, and I am so delighted to hear from you, Ken mentioned the newsletter quite a long time ago and I hope we can have some articles even about some of the kids who are now using Laticrete – I train them young to do the job right!
Sandy Robertson
To find out more about Sandy and the many mosaic projects in the pipeline as well as the amazing projects Sandy has completed, visit her website at www.ozmosaics.com.au